For the last sixty years stories of UFOs, Flying Saucers, Aliens and Cover-ups have intrigued the World.
UFO, is any flying object that cannot be identified by the observer and have been spotted in many different places around the world.
Reports of unusual aerial phenomena date back to ancient times, but modern reports and first official investigations began during World War II with sightings of so-called foo fighters by Allied airplane crews and in 1946 with widespread sightings of European "ghost rockets." UFO reports became even more common after the first widely publicized United States UFO sighting, by private pilot Kenneth Arnold in the summer of 1947. Many tens of thousands of UFO reports have since been made worldwide.
The notion that unidentified objects or lights in the sky might be craft from other worlds appears to have been first suggested following the earliest wave of such sightings.
In the post 1947 era however, explanations for the saucers, or "flying disks" as they were also known at the time, included natural phenomena, such as Venus or unusual clouds, illusions, hoaxes, balloons, prototype aircraft and secret weapons (friendly or hostile), and the extraterrestrial hypothesis. The last possibility was not initially given much credence but rapidly gained favor as a result of intense media speculation.
From the outset, the systematic investigation of UFOs was made problematic by the fact that the alleged phenomenon was both transient and unpredictable. Although data were plentiful, these largely took the form of individual and uncorroborated eyewitness reports – a notoriously unreliable source of information. Yet enough sightings were made by what appeared to be reliable, experienced observers, including military personnel and police officers, for the phenomenon to be taken seriously (see Roswell Incident; Mantell, Captain Thomas F.). The United States military, concerned about a possible threat to national security and following the recommendations of General Twining, launched the first of its investigations, Project Sign. This was followed by Project Grudge and, finally, beginning in 1952, Project Blue Book.
Besides visual sightings, cases sometimes have an indirect physical evidence like :
#Radar contact and tracking, sometimes from multiple sites.
#Photographic evidence, including still photos, movie film, and video, including some in the infrared spectrum .
# Recorded visual spectrograms # Recorded gravimetric and magnetic disturbances
#Biological effects on plants such as increased or decreased growth, germination effects on seeds, and blown-out stem nodes (usually associated with physical trace cases or crop circles) #Electromagnetic interference (EM) effects, including stalled cars, power black-outs, radio/TV interference, magnetic compass deflections, and aircraft navigation, communication, and engine disruption,etc.
There are different opinions about the UFO phenomenon. Among proponents, some of the more common explanations for UFOs are:
* The extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH) : that UFOs are best explained as being creatures from other planets occupying physical spacecraft visiting Earth.
* The interdimensional hypothesis : advanced by astrophysicist Jacques Vallee, holds that these phenomena are visitations from other universes (or dimensions) that coexist separately alongside our own. It further proposes that they are a modern manifestation of entities or phenomena which have appeared throughout and possibly before recorded history, and which were previously explained as mythological or supernatural creatures.
It is an alternative to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, which proposes that UFOs are from distant worlds in our own universe, as well as to the hypothesis that UFOs are merely terrestrial phenomena. This hypothesis is generally considered to be a fringe view, even among UFO researchers.
According to this theory, the phenomenon manifests itself as a control mechanism, whose function appears to be to challenge the observer's accepted notions of reality, by appearing to be things that common sense would disregard as being impossible, and in our modern age, as technological objects which always seem to appear to be one step ahead of our own technological horizon.
*The Paranormal/Occult Hypothesis
* The hypothesis that they are time machines or vehicles built in a future time.
Skeptics usually propose one of the following explanations:
* The man-made craft hypothesis
* The unknown natural phenomena hypothesis, e.g. ball lightning, sprites * The Psychological-Social Hypothesis * The Earthquake lights/Tectonic Strain hypothesis.

It should also be noted that UFOs are usually observed by untrained sky watchers and almost never by professional or amateur astronomers, people who spend inordinate amounts of time observing the heavens above. These untrained observers have been aided by the availability of inexpensive video cameras, yet despite the enormous increase in volume of such cameras, there has been a drop in the number of UFO observations. Anyway, one would think that astronomers would have spotted some of these alien craft by now. [Perhaps the crafty aliens know that good scientists are skeptical and inquisitive !]
could the cameras used be that fast enough to capture the ufo-ships concidering the fact that they move at great speeds?
I really enjoyed this page. I will be linking and I will be trying to read and research all that there is to offer from this site
I think ufo's are real but we will never Know if the goverment keep hiding stuff from us about them because this universe is to big to say earth is the only planet that has life on it! "I mean come on its more than a million planets out there and thinking earth is the only planet with life that nonsense"
common people there are no such things as ufo's . its crap..
I do believe in the existance of other lifeforms other than ourselves
this hole thing is just so wierd i dont believe in any of it
I think that aliens are real. but i also have thought that they could
be just people like us from another earth-like planet and have just
advanced more than we have. or they could be us from the future.
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