Machu Picchu is a city located high in the Andes Mountains in modern Peru. It lies 43 miles northwest of Cuzco at the top of a ridge, hiding it from the Urabamba gorge below. The ridge is between a block of highland and the massive Huaynac Picchu, around which the Urubamba River takes a sharp bend. The surrounding area is covered in dense bush, some of it covering Pre-Colombian cultivation terraces.
Machu Picchu (which means "manly peak") was most likely a royal estate and religious retreat. It was built between 1460 and 1470 AD by Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui, an Incan ruler. The city has an altitude of 8,000 feet, and is high above the Urubamba River canyon cloud forest, so it likely did not have any administrative, military or commercial use. After Pachacuti’s death, Machu Picchu became the property of his allus, or kinship group, which was responsible for it’s maintenance, administration, and any new construction.

Machu Picchu is comprised of approximately 200 buildings, most being residences, although there are temples, storage structures and other public buildings. It has polygonal masonry, characteristic of the late Inca period. About 1,200 people lived in and around Machu Picchu, most of them women, children, and priests. The buildings are thought to have been planned and built under the supervision of professional Inca architects. Most of the structures are built of granite blocks cut with bronze or stone tools, and smoothed with sand. The blocks fit together perfectly without mortar,although none of the blocks are the same size and have many faces; some have as many as 30 corners. The joints are so tight that even the thinnest of knife blades can't be forced between the stones. Another unique thing about Machu Picchu is the integration of the architecture into the landscape. Existing stone formations were used in the construction of structures, sculptures are carved into the rock, water flows through cisterns and stone channels, and temples hang on steep precipices.

The houses had steep thatched roofs and trapezoidal doors; windows were unusual. Some of the houses were two stories tall; the second story was probably reached by ladder, which likely was made of rope since there weren’t many trees at Machu Picchu’s altitude. The houses, in groups of up to ten gathered around a communal courtyard, or aligned on narrow terraces, were connected by narrow alleys. At the center were large open squares; livestock enclosures and terraces for growing maize stretched around the edge of the city.

The Incas planted crops such as potatoes and maize at Machu Picchu. To get the highest yield possible, they used advanced terracing and irrigation methods to reduce erosion and increase the area available for cultivation. However, it probably did not produce a large enough surplus to export agricultural products to Cuzco, the Incan capital.
One of the most important things found at Machu Picchu is the intihuatana, which is a column of stone rising from a block of stone the size of a grand piano. Intihuatana literally means ‘for tying the sun", although it is usually translated as "hitching post of the sun". As the winter solstice approached, when the sun seemed to disappear more each day, a priest would hold a ceremony to tie the sun to the stone to prevent the sun from disappearing altogether. The other intihuatanas were destroyed by the Spanish conquistadors, but because the Spanish never found Machu Picchu, it remained intact. Mummies have also been found there; most of the mummies were women.

Few people outside the Inca’s closest retainers were actually aware of Machu Picchu’s existence. Before the Spanish conquistadors arrived, the smallpox spread ahead of them. Fifty percent of the population had been killed by the disease by 1527. The government began to fail, part of the empire seceded and it fell into civil war. So by the time Pizarro, the Inca’s conquerer, arrived in Cuzco in 1532, Machu Picchu was already forgotten.

Machu Picchu was rediscovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham, a professor from Yale. Bingham was searching for Vilcabamba, which was the undiscovered last stronghold of the Incan empire. When he stumbled upon Machu Picchu, he thought he had found it, although now most scholars believe that Machu Picchu is not Vilcabamba. Machu Picchu was never completely forgotten, as a few people still lived in the area, where they were "free from undesirable visitors, officials looking for army ‘volunteers’ or collecting taxes", as they told Bingham.



Even today, almost five thousand years after its completion, the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt is a technical masterpiece. But its builders lift no plans that might explain how it came to be built.

t was intended to be recognised from a great distance, and the closer you come, the more you are drawn into its spell. The Great Pyramid was probably built around 2580 BC on the instructions of Pharaoh Cheops, on the Giza plateau southwest of modern Cairo, capital of Egypt. It is the largest of a trio of pyramids at the Giza site. But to this day, even with the most modern scientific methods, experts have not been able to solve all the mysteries of this impressive building.

Built on a square ground plan with a side length of 230 m, and an original height of almost 47 m (138 m today), it covers an area of over 5 ha and has a volume of around 2,600,000 m3. The number of stones used is enormous, and each one weighs several tons.

The descriptions provided by two Greek historians - Herodotus in 440 BC and Diodorus in 50 BC - probably adapted early accounts of the actual system that was used to build this structure.

Herodotus based his ideas on the assumption that the Egyptians had constructed wooden machines to assemble the blocks in sections - from the base of the pyramid to its top. Diodorus thought it more likely that the Egyptians had built earth ramps to haul the stones into place.

The quest for the answer

During the Middle Ages, people believed that the builders of the pyramids were able to float or use flying carpets. In modern times, archaeologists have come to rely on written texts, which are considerably more reliable.

Facts and fantasy

Historians and archaeologists believe that the pyramids were built asmonumental burial chambers for the kings of 3rd to the 13th dynasties (about 2670- 50BC). Also, each pyramid always seems form part of an extended complex of an extended complex of funeral architecture.

Some think the geometry of the pyramid reflects the technological know-how that the Egyptians
had acquired up to the time of the biblical floods. Others, however, want to see in it a prophetic code for the most important dates in world history.

New perspectives

Those who desperately try to find secrets where there are none can easily find themselves in a position where they miss the real mystery. For a long time, serious Egyptologists have confirmed again and again that the Great Pyramid is really a shrine.

Three chambers, which are connected to one another by means of a network of underground passages, have so far been identified .

The largest, the King's Chamber, contains the coffin in which the mortal remains of Pharaoh Cheops could have lain. Today the coffin is empty, but it might have been ransacked by the Muslim leader, Caliph AIMamun,who entered the holy chambers inthe 9th century. It is true
that there are cracks in the ceiling of this room which stem from the time prior to the death of Cheops; surely the pharaoh would not have wanted to be buried in a place that was threatened
by collapse? If the corpse did not find its last resting place in this room, the pyramid could have been a giant cenotaph - an empty royal shrine - buitt for the honour of the departed pharaoh alone.

Even after so many centuries of digging and exploration, the Pyramid of Cheops still harbours plenty of surprises: in recent years, a German engineer, Rudolf Gantenbrink, probed the secrets of some of the narrowest passages - as yet unreachable by human explorers - with the help of a
remote-controlled robot camera. Gantenbrink discovered an enormous door at the end of a shaft. But he was never able to find out what lies hidden behind the door.


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